Who the hell am I?

👋 Hi, I’m Brooks Lockett — I’ve been in tech for a decade and on my own for six years as an independent consultant & copywriter.

What the hell is this newsletter?

Get a one-shot, 2-3 minute read in your inbox once per week with GTM leaders fine-tuning their messaging & narratives.

My goal is to give you one simple idea for the week. Who knows, maybe it’ll be the thing that works?

This is real-world stuff from active leaders in the market.

Apply it all right away.

When I’m not writing, find me bouldering, cooking, hiking or hanging out in North Carolina.

Where else am I online?

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Living in the B2B SaaS market and sharing what I learn, once a week Get a 2-3 minute note in your inbox once per week about how GTM leaders are fine-tuning their growth narratives.


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